Systemise your business with AI and Low Code Development for robust systems

Member event
July 9, 2024


Join us for a digital session designed for Microsoft 365 users to explore AI and Low Code solutions for scaling up and boosting productivity. Guy will share his insights and tips on how to systemise your business using low code and AI tools. He will demonstrate how you can automate and optimise your workflows, improve your data management, and enhance your business productivity.

During the session you will delve into practical applications including:

  • Systems optimising staff productivity
  • Automated processes facilitating seamless onboarding for scalable growth
  • Real-time analytics and reporting for actionable insights
  • Instant access to project and overall profit and loss data
  • Dynamic views of staff and resource utilisation for enhanced productivity tracking
  • Accelerated invoicing processes for swift project completion

This session will be ideal for:

  • Funded Startup or small organisations looking to grow and putting structures in place to scale
  • Organisations who have scaled but are hitting problems with data management, bottlenecks, resource planning and time to invoice
  • Organisations where scaling has been at the expense of huge workloads for key staff members who are reaching burnout
  • Organisations looking implement Systemisation to create a saleable business and maximise multiples for potential sale

Meet the Expert:

Guy Snook is the founder and director of SY Limited, a company that specialises in low code app development and cloud solutions. He has a wealth of experience in the IT industry, spanning over four decades that has seen the evolution of technology from the earliest word processors and mainframes to Cloud computing and AI. He started his career in sales and has worked infrastructure, support and business strategy. Guy was one of the first adopters of Cloud Computing in the UK and has embraced the power of low code and AI tools to create customised apps for various business needs.